Embark on an exciting adventure aboard the Overland Express, where mysterious individuals have their sights set on Goofy’s prized collection of comic books. Will Goofy be able to safely transport the books to the comic book show, or will a cunning Master Thief outwit him and claim the treasures for themselves? Join Mickey as he unravels the thrilling mystery!
Tonies carry the magic key! The Toniebox instantly knows which Tonie stands on top. The key opens the correct audio files so the box can download them from the Toniecloud. The story begins instantly!
This Tonie teaches kids about:
- Teamwork
- Problem solving
- Perseverance
Running Time: approx. 38 minutes
Age Recommendation: age 4+
Warning: Choking Hazard. Not for children under 3 years.
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