Experience a heartwarming tale of friendship, family, and adventure with Tonies Disney Lilo and Stitch! Join Lilo, a spirited young girl, and her mischievous alien “puppy,” Stitch, on a thrilling journey of discovery and growth. After crash-landing on Earth, Stitch causes chaos in the idyllic Hawaiian Islands, but he also learns the importance of loyalty, friendship, and ‘ohana – the Hawaiian tradition of family.
Featuring music from the original motion picture, Tonies Disney Lilo and Stitch is the perfect product for parents looking to share a beloved story with their little ones. This Tonie is packed with excitement and entertainment for every member of your ‘ohana!
In addition to providing hours of fun and entertainment, Tonies Disney Lilo and Stitch also teaches kids about the values of friendship, loyalty, and family. Don’t miss out on this unforgettable listening experience – order your Tonies Disney Lilo and Stitch today and let the adventure begin!
This Tonie focuses on values of:
- Friendship
- Loyalty
- Family
Recommended age: 3 years+
Toniebox sold separately
Warning: Choking Hazard. Not for children under 3 years.
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