A special family of magical creatures lives in a glade: a winged horse, a unicorn mare and her foal. The magnificent Pegasus sire spreads his shimmering wings and flies towards the horizon. He is teaching his little foal to fly. Fly with them!
- Detailed and realistic: Highly detailed, this figurine is crafted to appear lifelike to inspire kids from toddler on up.
- Foundational imaginative play: This animal figurine from Scheich is carefully designed to spark safe and creative pretend play on its own or as part of a larger collection.
- Built to last: Schleich is an 85-year old German toy company committed to manufacturing realistic toys with the highest standard of quality and safety for years of durable play.
Dimensions: 5.91 x 3.23 x 7.09 inch
The enchanted figurines and playsets of schleich® Bayala® introduce the limitless possibilities of storytelling and imaginative play!
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